Time and technology advances. Sometimes technology fails (or is helped to fail). At the end of 2020, the Synergetic Solutions site ran into several technical challenges. That experience, not a great one. It sucks lemons as the saying goes. Bitter.

With COVID in full swing and life stressful enough, I simply did not have the energy to address the issue. I let it sit. I let myself sit with my frustration. I knew it would not be pretty. It was worse than I thought. More lemons, an extra dose.

I finally bootstrapped myself up and asked for help. After investigation and tinkering, we were able to get the site to redisplay in the designed structure…but it had gone from bad to worse. No content would display – only the heading and navigation bar where there. A decision had to be made. A hard one. The site had to be rebuilt, from the ground up.

If you have been to the old Synergetic Solutions Ponderings & Insights page, you would have seen a robust set of blog articles across a myriad of topics. I liked to openly talk through a topic that was on my mind. I would share thoughts, perceptions, experiences – things I was personally pondering or had recent insight I’d had. I like to ask questions – to “stoke your thinking” as I like to say. My objective was shared learning.

I was devastated by the inability to keep the exiting Ponderings & Insights content. I lost not just my own writing, but the great contributions of others who had added insightful comments. I didn’t want to lose that shared experience. More lemons for me! Whopee!

So now we are here, making Lemonade with Ponderings & Insights 2.0. New concepts will be explored in my typical style. My writing more frequent than it had been of late (I promise)! On the good news front, a little sugar for the mix, I was able to extract some of the existing content and port it to a Word document. I can preserve some of my initial writing, but the value of the cross refences, comments, and story connections has been cut off, like the rind.

I’m slicing the lemons, pulling out my juice press, discarding the seeds, and adding some sugar. I’ll pull throwback articles and update them! It’s a chance to revisit prior conversation, but with a refreshed view at the concepts! Lemonade is being made!

I welcome you to help me make my Lemonade. It’s delicious and best enjoyed with a friend.